
Electric Winch and Electric Hoist Delivery to Sri Lanka

Electric Winch and Electric Hoist Delivery to Sri La

7 sets of electric winch and two sets of electric hoist are delivered to Sri Lanka on November 5, 20...

25+25t Double Girder Gantry Crane Delivery to Saudi Arabia

25+25t Double Girder Gantry Crane Delivery to Saudi

After 45 working days’ manufacture, the 25+25t Double girder gantry crane is transported to the Tia...

A set of 10t gantry crane delivery to New Zealand

A set of 10t gantry crane delivery to New Zealand

We received the inquiry from Ms. Bomiao Li in March 2017. She asked a 10t gantry crane, span 3.5m fo...

LDA single girder overhead crane delivery to Laos

LDA single girder overhead crane delivery to Laos

The crane is used in Laos and we design the crane as per the client's warehouse drawing....

Grab delivery to India

Grab delivery to India

Grab delivery to India on September 9, 2017

3 sets of double rail electric hoists are delivered to Ethiopia

3 sets of double rail electric hoists are delivered

Ethiopia-3 sets of double rail electric hoists(one model is 40t,the others are 5t) are loaded into 1...

Hydraulic hoist cargo delivery to Ethiopia

Hydraulic hoist cargo delivery to Ethiopia

Ethiopia-4 sets of hydraulic gate hoist system (radial gate hoist system QHLY-2x100/2x60) are loaded...

ME Double trolley gantry crane delivery to Indonesia

ME Double trolley gantry crane delivery to Indonesia

ME Double trolley gantry crane delivery to Indonesia...

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